Technical Services

Thermal view of natural gas processing.

Rock Run Enterprises, LLC provides technical services to clients such as remote environmental monitoring, water quality sampling, radiation level detection, and others.

Rock Run is currently providing noise emission sampling, modeling, and mapping. We can provide a monitoring plan for your specific needs. After establishing baseline data, we can then provide a model of noise emission trends and help recommend a mitigation plan.

Environmental monitoring station in the field.

Clients have access to our sample data 24/7 with live updates when combined with our online GIS system. Data can be formatted in simple to use types such as rss and csv. Long term trends are able to be shown and averages can be analyzed for end use.

Compare and contrast trends for environmental conditions such as air temperature, humidity, pressure, air quality, rainfall, and more. See the effects of environmental conditions on your specific project and get notified with an alert if certain thresholds are met or exceeded.

Monitor weather in real time.

Using the latest optical gas imaging technology from FLIR, Rock Run can detect natural gas leaks at your facilities. Identify potentially dangerous situations that might otherwise go unnoticed. By reducing your fugitive emissions, you save money and reduce liabilities.

Our leak detection equipment is intrinsically safe. Rock Run can detect even minor leaks that are extremely low pressure and difficult to identify.

Rock Run has industrial grade drone technology for performing utility inspections. Our cameras are ultra high resolution and posses powerful zoom and thermal capability. Inspections can therefore be performed at a safe distance to critical infrastructure.

Aerial inspections

Please visit our YouTube Channel: Rock Run Enterprises YouTube

Stay tuned for additional service options and capabilities. We are rapidly expanding to help manage the ever changing regulatory landscape.